Gabrie G
7/16/2021 09:25:37 pm
Oremos por nuestros sacerdotes: padre Simon y padre Vili, para que el Señor los siga llenando de su Espíritu para guíar a su Iglesia.
7/24/2024 02:23:22 pm
for ara who is under spiritual attack may he have a revelation of god and who he really is silience his ears to the enemy we break the spirit of depression off him, remove the spiritual blinders clear his mind of negative thoughts we cordon him off to the north and south and east and west with myriad of warrior angels send ministering angels to ara as well as a fiery hedge of protection where he is in the dark lord shine your light i every dark are of his life and free him from the strong holds on bondages the enemy has him in let no weapon formed agianst ara prosper in the name of jesus ara is now free heal sealed and dilevered
Gabriel G
9/4/2022 10:01:34 am
Por nuestra amada parroquia y sus necesidades
7/15/2024 10:10:36 am
pray for andrea sant cruz having problems finding a job and is feeling very stuck, pray for the keys to access for doors to open economic stability, a job to be able to support her family as she is bread winner, pray for abundance in every are of her life, abundance of job offers, pray the enemy has no authority over her finances and job search he open every closed door for her.remove all blockages in her road
Gabriel G
9/9/2022 04:06:15 pm
Por diácono Alex.
4/5/2023 08:22:08 am
Oremos por los no nacidos y por los bebés que están en peligro de aborto, que los papás contemplando tener un aborto cambien sus corazones y protejan a sus criaturas, porque el corazón de las personas que trabajan en clínicas abortivas y por los corazones de las personas que apoyan el aborto sea transformado y sepan que el aborto es un gran pecado mortal.
5/2/2024 01:14:44 am
Por favor oren por mí mientras lucho contra el cáncer.
Alexandra Lyytikainen
5/7/2024 05:35:37 am
Pray that jesus forgives My sins. During My dead i receive mercy, salvation, protection. Healing My legs, Back, lungs that i can walk. Archangel Michael to protect me during nights and days. Protection, salvation to My parents bertta and otto, My son gape, Birgitta and Seppo, Kalevi and Aino, Reijo, Juho, Elviira. Good friends to do domestica tasks and shop food.
santa cruz
6/6/2024 09:12:52 am
pray for sally santa cruz that she finds peace that transcends all understanding where shis lost lord let her find your light, give her a revelation of who the lord really is, give her a forgiving spirit soften her heart to you tho she walk through the valley of the shadow of death you will guide her with your rod and your staff. shine a light so bright on her that enemy have no foothold in her life. let the light of god and his love sourround her I deploy the lords labors to her as well as a myraid of gods warring angels I declare the battle is the lords.
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