"We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
God has revealed to us that his very nature is communal and social. God the Father sends his only Son Jesus Christ and shares the Holy Spirit as his gift of love. God reveals himself to us as one who is relational, one who is Trinity. We who are made in God’s image share this communal, social nature and are called to reach out and to build relationships of love and justice.
Altar Society/Guilds
The Altar Society supports altar needs such as cleaning, new altar cloths, laundry, and the parish Nativity set. Guilds meet, select, and support individual service projects. Cursillo
The Cursillo movement helps fulfill the need for Christ’s disciples in our everyday world. It provides a method dedicated to strengthening Christians in their faith and assists them in evangelizing in their daily lives. The method includes a three day weekend experience followed up with weekly friendship group reunions. Photo & Video Ministry
Photos and videos are a wonderful way we celebrate all the great activities at Our Lady of Fatima Parish. We use them for publications like bulletins, or the annual report, on our website and on social media, and in other ways as well. If you like taking pictures or videos, and have experience and skill with digital photography, or editing, this ministry is for you! Time commitment is flexible and depends on your availability. |
Creative/Technical Writer
Our sense of community depends on our ability to communicate. You can foster communications by contributing your writing skills for various publications within the parish such as news-letters, grant applications, brochures, etc. Time commitment varies by project. Special Events Team
We are blessed to have a growing Parish family. One way to celebrate and build community is through special events. If you enjoy working with a team, planning, or have organizing skills, you can be part of annual events, which are assigned as your schedule permits. Digital pastoral
This ministry keeps the website up to date, manages social networks and streams live video for Masses and events within the parish. Telephone Ministry
Telephone Ministry members call from their homes or from the Parish to greet newcomers and inform parishioners about upcoming events. The time commitment can vary as you are available – usually only two or three calls per month. This is a wonderful ministry for those who may be physically unable to serve in other ways. |