WELCOME TO your parish: OUR LADY OF FATIMAYour community is very glad you've decided to make Our Lady of Fatima Parish your spiritual home. We've tried to make this page a one-stop shopping resource to help you get acquainted with your community and rapidly get plugged into Parish life.
We recognize that everything we have is a gift from God and that we are called to return a portion of those gifts back to God. As disciples, we give of our time, our talent, and our treasure. Time: At Our Lady of Fatima Parish, our goal is to provide and encourage the faithful to participate in our Sunday obligation as Catholics of the Holy Sacrifice of the M.A.S.S - Making All Sundays Sacred. The weekly sacrifice of the Mass, and the Eucharist, are the source and summit of our faith and we hope all parishioners honor that time. We should also return the gift of time to God through prayer. Prayer must under-gird all of our efforts as disciples of Christ. For us as Christians, nothing is more important than the relationship we have with God, and nothing strengthens that relationship like consistent, faithful, and thankful prayer. Treasure
Our Lady of Fatima, do not tithe. Our Lady of Fatima almost always has two collections at our Weekend Masses: the first is your offering to God for our Parish; the second goes to a designated charity or cause. The Tucson Diocese has 10 specific 2nd collections reserved during the year for the following charities:
First Steps
The first thing you should do is to join us for Mass every Sunday. You can find the Mass times on our "Home" page or by clicking on "About Us". Registration: Our hope is that you'll cement your relationship with us by registering with Our Lady of Fatima Parish. You can do that by filling out a registration form. You can either come into our office during business hours. To register or simply complete the registration on-line (here). Orientation: Our volunteers and staff would feel blessed to show you our facilities and answer any questions you may have. Ministries: We have several ministries available in both English and Spanish. If you're not quite sure you have the time to commit to one ministry, we invite you to look at our Random Access Ministries where you only volunteer a short time on a project. Learn more. Talent
We all have unique God-given gifts, ways in which we can work to build the Kingdom like no one else. But, we must also remember that our gifts are given to us by God to be used not for ourselves, but for others! There are so many ways in which we can do that, and so many ministry opportunities here at Our Lady of Fatima Parish. It is our hope that every member of our parish family will find at least one ministry each year to which they commit their service. Some churches just want to get people into the pews, but we'd rather get everyone out of the pews and into service! |